SUPER STORE Autumn and winter men's fitted striped shirt long sleeve solid color polo shirt
(26 % rabatt)
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SUPER STORE Autumn and winter men's fitted striped shirt long sleeve solid color polo shirt

(26 % rabatt)
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<div style='text-align:left;><h3 style='font-weight:bold;'> SUPER STORE </h3> </br><strong> Product Description:</strong> </br></br>Pattern: Stripes</br>Thickness: Normal</br>Fabric Name: Cotton Blended</br>Applicable Scene: Leisure</br>Main Fabric Content: 95 </br>Unit Weight: 0.34kg</br> </br><strong>Notice:</strong></br>1. Please allow 1-3 cm difference due to manual measurement and 3-5 g for the difference between different colors. </br>2. Due to the screen difference, the color may be a little difference from what you expect, please allow it. </br>3. <strong><i style='color:red;text-decoration:underline;'>(It Is Recommended To Choose One Size Up According To The Actual Size)</i></strong></br>
  • Vikt: 0.4 kg
  • Höjd: 0.01 IN
  • Längd: 11.8 IN
  • Vikt: 15.7 IN